Call for Contributions

About IPIC2021

The future of the global freight and logistics industry will be shaped during a 3-day online conference from 15th to 16th of June. A PhD Colloquium as a pre-conference event is foreseen on the 14th of June.

Building on a successful tradition, the 8th Annual International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) aims to provide an open forum for industry, innovators, researchers, government officials and citizens to introduce leading edge concepts, technology applications and methodologies for future interconnected logistics; to review the state-of-the-art technologies and latest projects, and to identify critical issues and challenges for future Physical Internet induced research, innovation, and implementation. Specifically, the conference focuses on insights for implementation steps of the Physical Internet in the different generations and time frames from nowadays to 2030.

The Physical Internet Concept

Improving freight transport and logistics efficiency and sustainability through an interconnected, interoperable and shared use of logistics networks has been a great opportunity. The Physical Internet concept aims to get freight flows and logistics services as accessible and connected as information and services are over internet in both global and last mile. Physical Internet aims at asset sharing and flow consolidation on a massive scale supporting the brutal challenge of freight transport and logistics decarbonization. The Physical Internet (PI, π) has opened a paradigm-breaking field encompassing the interconnectivity and interoperability of smart logistics networks, transportation systems, manufacturing systems and supply chains, enabling seamless open asset sharing and flow consolidation on a massive scale. It aims to transform the way physical objects are moved, deployed, realized, supplied, designed and used all around the world to improve by an order-of magnitude the overall performance in terms of economic, environmental and societal efficiency and sustainability.

Conference Topics

1. ALICE Physical Internet Roadmap Implementation and Generations. New Area for IPIC!

This conference builds on previous efforts of the Physical Internet Community and ALICE welcomes contributions regarding the 'Roadmap Towards the Physical Internet', addressing its different generations,  its implementations as well as applications or technologies supporting its implementations.

  • From Logistics Nodes to PI Nodes 
  • From Logistics Networks to Physical Internet Network 
  • Developing the System of Logistics Networks towards the Physical Internet 
  • Access and Adoption 
  • Governance 

2. The topics you find in every IPIC are listed below. Some new too! 

  • Interconnected freight transport, logistics and supply networks
  • Modularization
  • Material handling
  • Vehicles and transshipment technologies 
  • Last mile & City Logistics 
  • Omnichannel & E-commerce logistics 
  • Systems and technologies for interconnected Logistics (3D printing, IoT, machine learning, augmented reality, blockchain, cloud computing, digital twins, collaborative descision making) 
  • New communication Networks enabling interconnected logistics 
  • Business models for open & interconnected logistics 
  • Manufacturing networks and the PI
  • Ports and hubs in the PI 
  • PI impacts
  • PI Fundamentals and Constituents 
  • PI Implementation and Governance 
  • PI Modelling and Simulation 
  • Autonomous logistics operations and systems (autonomous transport/drones/mobile logistics/robotics)
  • Distibuted Intelligence in Physical Internet

How can I actively contribute/present in IPIC 2021?

International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) 2021 expects:
  • Paper & poster contributions in the following forms (more information below):
    • a new research paper/poster on, for example, conceptual research, assessment research, case study research, modelling and validation research.
    • a white paper or case study describing an application in practice.
    • a report/poster describing the results of novel applications and technologies or innovative ideas and positions resulting from a project jointly performed by an academic and industry partner.
  • Practical Developments: If you are a company, a project, or a solution provider, or you have any practical Physical Internet development and you want to share it.
  • Presentation of PI publications. If you have outstanding physical internet papers published in journals and you want to share and discuss main findings orally with your peers. 
  • Start ups which business model or value proposition is related to the Physical Internet
  • Special Session: Interested attendees are encouraged to propose special sessions, each of which consists of 3-4 presentations on a particular topic related to PI. The special session topic can be selected, yet not limited, to the topics in the call for contributions.
Submission Guidelines

Paper & poster contributions* must be made on-line via

Select the Track: IPIC2021

Please note that you must first register for an EasyChair account to be able to access the above link. First-time users, please visit EasyChair's "How to make a new submission" for an overview of the submission system.

*All submitted papers will be evaluated with regards to their suitability for the conference, originality and technical soundness.


Posters & Papers contributions templates

Practical developments please contact the organizers at ref. Practical developments with a draft presentation outline you would like to share + references and anything you may have to convince us to get you in the programme!.

Presentation of PI publications please contact the organizers at ref. Presentation of PI publications with a copy of the paper so we get you in the programe!.

Start-ups you may access the call for Start-ups.

Special Sessions: You may access to the submission guidelines for Special Sessions.

Timetable and deadlines

  • Abstract submission:
    • 200 words for posters*
    • 1000 words for papers

1 April

  • Abstract acceptance notification:

14 days after submission

  • Applications to be reviewer

1 April

  • Practical developments draft presentation
  • Special Session Proposal
  • Start ups call candidature
  • Presentation of publications elsewhere

7th May

Deadline Extended!

  • Full paper and poster submission deadline:              

10 May

  • Final pdf + recorded video presentation

1 June

  • Revised paper and poster submission

4 June


For more information, please contact us via

Download here the full call for contributions.

Special Issue "Digital Twin and Data-driven Optimization for Hyperconnected Physical Internet"

The goal and scope of this Special Issue for the International Journal of Production Economics is available in this link. Deadline: 30 June 2021

Special Issue "Towards Large-scale Industry-wide Physical Internet Deployment"

Call for papers for Industrial Management & Data Systems. Goal and Scope available in this link. Deadline: 30 September 2021.

Special Issue "Distributed Intelligence in Physical Internet"

The goal of this Special Issue is to accelerate the adoption of ML, AI techniques, and fog and cloud computing services for the implementation of the PI framework. We welcome papers that provide high-quality research on the theoretical and empirical aspects of distributed intelligence solutions applied to supply chains and logistics systems. Deadline 31 December 2021. 

Key Dates

  • April, 1: Abstract Submission
  • May, 7: Practical Presentation/ Startups/publications presentations
  • May, 10: Full Paper and Poster Submission 
  • June, 1: Final pdf + recorded video presentation
  • June, 4: Revised paper and poster submission

IPIC Call for Contributions - One Page Version

IPIC2021 Call for Contributions (PDF file)

About IPIC

The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative.

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