IPIC Conference Material Repository

IPIC Material Use Request

In an effort to make conference material (i.e. research papers, presentations, proceedings) more accessible to academic search engine indexing and more easily found via public internet search, we are asking for permission to include your material within SMARTech, Georgia Tech's open scholarship repository. By archiving your scholarship within Georgia Tech's SMARTech repository, you will expand the reach of your work and increase its discoverability over time. The Georgia Tech Library will assign a persistent digital object identifier (DOI) to your work and ensure access and preservation indefinitely. The repository is well-indexed by Google and Google Scholar, further increasing the dissemination of your research. There is no charge for this service and please note that by accepting to be included, you do not give up copyright to the work and you do not give up the right to submit the work to publishers or other repositories. Please see the full language of the SMARTech License and Terms of Use, below.

About SMARTech

SMARTech License and Terms of Use


Georgia Tech SMARTech Repository


Example of how IPIC material will be presented (from an unrelated conference series)


What We Need from You!

Please click this link or the below button to access an online form to submit your information. After submitting that form, we will reach out to you to confirm your paper/material as well as provide any supporting information.


About IPIC

The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative.

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