Doctoral Colloquium Organizaing Committee

Doctoral colloquium Committee

Mariam Lafkihi : PSL – Mines ParisTech, France

Miguel Campos: Georgia Tech, USA

Patrick Fahim: TU Delft, The Netherlands

Wencang Bao: Georgia Tech, USA

Jisoo Park: Georgia Tech, USA


The Doctoral Colloquium Committee will:

  • Promote the Docotorall Colloquium and find potential participants.
  • Definine the agenda and contact speakers.
  • Organize the review process of the papers received to the Doctoral Colloquium:
    • Gather reviewers.
    • Allocating reviewers and follow up the review process.
  • Arrange paper presentation sessions and discussion topics.
  • Any other activities you think that could be interesting for the group.

About IPIC

The IPIC conference series supports the Physical Internet Initiative.

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